


When are Tile Slabs Appropriate?

Slab Installers will inform you about slab styles and characteristics as well as when, how, and why or even whether or not to choose large format slab tile over conventional formats. We will provide you with a detailed quote based upon field measures and blueprints and assist you in determining the scope of your job. We offer on-site design and technical consultation, procurement of tile and other project materials, as well as installation of your chosen slab products. An added bonus is our comfort and facility coordinating your project and timeline with general contractors, project managers, and other on-the-job tradesmen.

The Residential Forum.

Looking for Ideas?

Extra-large slabs offer goodness-of-fit for projects ranging from showers, fireplace surrounds, backsplashes, countertops, and tables to flooring atop concrete substrates, whether indoors or outdoors. Slabs can be applied to feature walls (e.g., foyer or great room), cabinetry, and appliances that accept 1/4 inch panels. Because they’re thin and reasonably lightweight, they may be used for creating specialty furniture pieces and aesthetic or functional art.

The Commercial Forum.

The Sky’s the Limit!

Slabs are perfect for creating grand facades in hotels, restaurants, and retail establishments. They are exceptional products that offer seamless hygienic surfaces for applications within hospitals, clinics, and laboratories and can also be used for interior or exterior spaces. In many places in the world, and increasingly so in the United States, slabs are used for exterior building cladding such as ventilated facades.

Want to Learn More?

Our Team of Committed Tile Industry Experts Welcomes the Opportunity to Discuss with You Slab Product Procurement, Design, and Installation from A-to-Z.